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Getting Started with Sovendus Integrations
Integrate into your shop's system
Can't find your framework / shop system in the list below?
If you can't find your system in the list below, follow the steps in the generic web integration documentation:
Generic web integration
Supported Integrations
Generic Web Integration
Generic Web Integration
Angular Component
Angular Component
AngularJS Component
AngularJS Component
BigCommerce Integration
BigCommerce Integration
Google Tagmanager Integration
Google Tagmanager Integration
JTL Plugin
JTL Plugin
Magento Plugin
Magento Plugin
Oxid eShop Plugin
Oxid eShop Plugin
Prestashop Plugin
Prestashop Plugin
React Component
React Component
Recharge Checkout Integration
Recharge Checkout Integration
Shopify Integration (old version)
Shopify Integration (old version)
Shopify App (new Version)
Shopify App (new Version)
Shopware Plugin
Shopware Plugin
Svelte Component
Svelte Component
Vue Component
Vue Component
Wordpress/WooCommerce Plugin
Wordpress/WooCommerce Plugin